UK Summer safety tips for Motorcyclists

UK Summer safety tips for Motorcyclists

The sun’s out, the roads are calling, and the UK summer riding season is upon us! As motorcycle enthusiasts, we all crave that feeling of freedom on two wheels. But before you unleash the power of your engine, remember – safety always comes first.

Here at VISIN, we want you to experience the joys of summer riding with confidence. So, buckle up and get ready to hit the road safely with these essential UK summer motorcycle safety tips:

Be Seen, Be Safe:

  • High-Visibility Clothing: Make yourself a prominent figure on the road. Invest in a high-visibility motorcycle jacket, trousers, or a reflective vest, especially if you plan on riding during low-light conditions.
  • Headlight On: Daytime running lights are a must for increased visibility, but don’t forget to switch on your main headlight even during the brighter summer days.

Combat the Heat:

  • Hydration is Key: Dehydration can sneak up on you quickly, especially with summer heat and wind exposure. Carry a refillable water bottle and take regular hydration breaks throughout your ride.
  • Breathable Gear: Opt for motorcycle jackets and trousers made from breathable, lightweight materials like mesh fabric. This allows for better airflow and helps regulate your body temperature.
  • Beat the Fog: A foggy visor can be a real hazard. In warmer weather, it can be acceptable to open the visor slightly to allow airflow – but this is not ideal.

VISIN Heated Visor Insert: A Summer Riding Gamechanger

Here at VISIN, we understand the frustration of visor fogging, especially during the summer months when transitioning between sunshine and shade. Our innovative heated visor insert is a gamechanger for summer riding.

Simply instal the visor insert to your helmets visor. Powered by a rechargeable battery, the thin heating element within the insert gently warms the visor, preventing moisture condensation and ensuring uninterrupted, crystal-clear vision in all weather conditions. This allows you to focus on the ride and enjoy the scenery without the worry of a foggy visor.

Additional Summer Riding Tips:

  • Plan Your Route: Be mindful of potential road closures or detours, especially during peak season. Consider scenic routes with less traffic for a more enjoyable ride.
  • Check Your Motorcycle: Before setting off, perform a thorough pre-ride inspection of your motorcycle, checking tire pressure, lights, brakes, and fluid levels.
  • Ride According to the Conditions: Adjust your riding style to the summer weather. Be aware of slippery surfaces like painted road markings after rain showers, and avoid excessive speed, especially on unfamiliar roads.

Embrace a Safe and Enjoyable Summer Ride

By following these summer safety tips and incorporating the VISIN heated visor insert into your riding gear, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable motorcycle experience. So, put on your helmet, fire up your engine, and get ready to create lasting summer riding memories!

VISIN – See the Ride Clearly, Ride with Confidence. (Get your VISIN heated helmet visor insert here now!)